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    ddp is operated by the Seoul Design Foundation.

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    공지사항 게시글 목록 - 번호, 제목, 첨부파일, 조회수 등록일로 구성
    No Title Attachments Views Date
    56 [General] Notice on Adjusted Operations for New Year Event During the National Mourning Period 307 2024-12-30
    55 [General] Meet the Seoul Design Coloring Everyday Vol. 2 첨부파일 있음 143 2024-12-02
    54 [General] Seoul Design Awards 2024: Design for Coexistence Goes Wider and Further 142 2024-11-28
    53 [General] Announcing partial closure of the DDP Museum Dullegil 1024 2024-08-16
    52 [General] 2023 DDP 45133 Collaboration Exhibition 「□ To The Future」 NFT Artist Contest 첨부파일 있음 1977 2023-06-22
    51 [General] Seoul Design Awards 2023 Open Guide 1477 2023-03-20
    50 [General] [Notice] UD Lifestyle Platform Closing Notice 1348 2022-05-18
    49 [General] [Notice] DDP Operation Guide 4305 2022-04-22
    48 [General] The Seoul Design Foundation finalized a strategic memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Korean Sport & Olympic Committee. 1141 2022-04-05
    47 [General] The Seoul Design Foundation invited the heads of design associations and organized a conference to discuss projects on March 29, 2022. 613 2022-03-31
